Occasionally teams may not have a full complement of players due to injury, school camps, etc. Given enough notice the Club or Team can often arrange players from lower age groups to play up in higher age groups to avoid walkovers (such as U14 girls playing up in U16's). When contacting families of children in lower age groups to source players, there's a few things need to be taken into consideration.
The Association has strict rules regarding players playing up an age group and players filling in for teams, these need to be adhered to at all times to ensure the bylaws aren't breached. Breaches can result in a loss of premiership points. The applicable bylaws are shown below.
A player cannot play in more than one team in the same age group, this includes if their regular team has a bye and another team in their age group is short a player that week. A bye is counted as a played game so filling in for another team in the same age group is not permitted
Players only have up until the end of round three to move teams, the team they play in during round four is the team they are deemed to be registered to for the remainder of the season
A player can only play up one age group U12 to U14 is ok, U12 to U16 is not permitted
Rep player caps must not be breached (caps outlined in the bylaws found here). All grades (excepting A grade) are limited to the number of rep players they can play regardless if they actually take the court during the game. If your team already contains the maximum allowable rep players, then you cannot have players with rep status fill in for you even if your rep players aren't playing as the cap if for the team not the game.
Fill in players cannot play down more than two grade groups (example an U14A grade boy can play U16A, U16B or U16C but cannot play U16D or U16E) this is outlined in bylaw 8.3.2.
Fill in players cannot have filled in for another higher aged team already that season
If you are able to organise your own fill in players, that's ok with the Club however the above dot points must be considered so that you don't breach any bylaws. If you do organise your own fill in players approval must be sought from the relevant registrars ([email protected]) or the Club Admin ([email protected]) before they play to ensure the Club are aware for insurance purposes and also to ensure the KBAJ bylaws aren't breached. If in doubt, please phone Admin on 040 77 51 338 before playing the fill in player to ensure you are not stripped of premiership points which we have seen occur before and teams then miss out on finals.
Breaches to the KBAJ bylaws are taken seriously by the KBA. Click here to read the Association bylaws that govern the playing competition and penalties for breaching them.
Please familiarise yourself with them to ensure that you do not breach them. If you have any questions about them please contact the Club.