Prior to returning to training all parents volunteering including Coaches, Team Managers and Bio Safety Officers must complete the Infection Control Training - COVID-19 Online course found at the following link:
This training must be completed and the certificate submitted to the Club ASAP. You cannot take or attend a basketball training session until you have completed the mandatory course and provided your certificate of completion to the Club.
The course should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.
You can find the cheat sheet with the link on how to register and completed for the training here
This training must be completed and the certificate submitted to the Club ASAP. You cannot take or attend a basketball training session until you have completed the mandatory course and provided your certificate of completion to the Club.
The course should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.
You can find the cheat sheet with the link on how to register and completed for the training here
Information for Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers
Basketball Victoria Club Coaching Course
Level 1 Replacing the former Level 1 NCAS course, this program consists of six hours of practical on court work, and one hour of online training. Suitable for coaches of all levels looking to gain a deeper understanding of how to plan a season, structure a training session, and build in individual and team skills to both their offence and defence. This course also gives access to the Coaching Made Easy resources of Individual Body Movement and Ball Skills, Individual Offensive and Defensive Skills, Role of the Coach, Team Offensive and Defensive Skills, and Training Drills. Coaches who complete this course will receive nationally accredited coaching certification upon completion of this course and submission of associated paperwork. Aberfeldie Jets will reimburse Aberfeldie Jets Coaches who attend this course. Dates: Sunday 19 April 2020 CANCELLED Venue: Keilor Stadium Court 4 Time: 9.00am – 3.00pm Cost: $150 Register: click here to register Note: Aberfeldie Jets will reimburse Aberfeldie Jets Coaches who attend this course Opening later this year - save the date if they interest you
Basketball Victoria Association Coaching Course
Level 2 This course is for the serious coaches amongst us. Coaches must have held a Level 1 Coaches accreditation for 12 months before being able to complete a Level 2 course. This course is held over four Sunday’s (attendance is required at all four sessions), there is much to learn and put into practise and the sessions need to be spaced out to allow you to put things into practise and complete the set homework. You will receive nationally accredited coaching certification upon completion of this course and submission of associated paperwork. If you have completed an old Level 1 years ago and can’t locate the paperwork and still want to do this course, please contact Rob Coulter (details below) to discuss. Dates: Sunday 8, 15, 22 and 29 November 2020 CANCELLED Venue: Keilor Stadium Court 3 & Creche Time: 10.00am – 2.00pm Cost: $300 Register: Please email Rob Coulter here to express interest Prerequisites: Coaches MUST hold a Club level accreditation to register Note: Aberfeldie Jets will reimburse Aberfeldie Jets Coaches who attend this course Training sessions
Any queries regarding your training time and venue should be directed to [email protected] Please let us know on the above email address in advance if your team is not using their training time in the gym - so we can notify the school and not be charged for court hire. There is no training during school holidays or public holidays, and we have found that none of our schools are ever very keen to open up for special holiday training sessions or weekends. So as not to disturb other teams already training, teams should not enter the venue before their assigned training time. Players must not to be left unattended at the gym until the coach is present before training. And after training, all children should be collected promptly. The club bears no responsibility for children left at the gym outside their designated training hours or not in the presence of their coach. At present parents and siblings are not permitted to attend training. Siblings present at training times should be supervised by their parents and must not be allowed to climb on the rails in the gym, nor play on the court while teams are training. The club will not bear liability should a sibling become injured or cause material damage during training time. Under no circumstances are unfinancial players or children not known to the Admin Officer permitted to train with Aberfeldie Jets. Coaches who allow children to train without written permission from Aberfeldie Jets will be personally liable for any injuries or material damage caused by such children. All teams are to vacate the court promptly once their training has ended so the next team may start or if the session is the last session for the night that the venue can be secured and we keep the schools happy. We encourage all players to attend training as it is at training and not games where coaches develop team concepts and plays as well as individual player development. It is common courtesy to let the coach and/or team manager know if your child can't make it to training. No player can expect fair and even court time if their attendance at training is irregular and unpredictable. The Aberfeldie Jets training policy can be found here. |
Coaching conflicts - important note to Coaches who Coach more than one team in the KBA Junior Domestic Competition or Coach and play
To: Aberfeldie Jets Coaches and player coaches where coaching conflicts apply Re: Coaching conflicts and your obligations If you are:
Prior to the commencement of each season the KBA asks each Club to submit a list of coaches/players who fall into the above two criteria (known as coaching conflicts). This list of coaching conflicts is used by the KBA office staff to fixture affected coaches games with as few clashes as possible. KBA feedback for Summer 2019-20 is that there is again a large number of coaching requests for the upcoming season and they’ve advised that their priorities when fixturing games are as follows:
The KBA have asked the Clubs to ensure that coaches/player coaches are aware that they do their best to avoid clashing fixtures but often due to the large number of requests, the size of the competition, and the lack of available courts, that some clashes are inevitable. They request all coaches have a contingency plan in place in the event that they are fixtured to be in two places at once or at back to back games at different venues. Whilst many may feel that this is unfair and that the KBA should be able to accommodate all requests, we feel fortunate that the KBA allow coach conflict requests to be made as many Associations don’t and just a few weeks back there was discussion and a vote to change this policy that was voted down by the Clubs, so the policy remains as is. If you do get clashes, please make your own arrangements for a fill in coach as the KBA have advised that they won’t be making changes to fixtures. Aberfeldie Jets gets no say in fixtures and are at the mercy of the KBA. The Club knows from previous seasons that when the KBA is notified of clashing fixtures that the KBA struggles to make changes, so we will not be requesting changes to the fixture once published by the KBA. To ensure Aberfeldie Jets comply with their legal obligations please ensure that whomever is a fill in coach as part of your contingency plan is registered to the Club and we have a copy of their WWCC on file before they fill in for you. If you are not sure if your back up person meets these requirements already, please check with our admin officer via [email protected] Thanks for being part of a small group of special people who dedicate their own time to help others. Without people like you we would not be able to field the teams that we do and have children out playing in the KBAJ domestic competition each week. We as a Club sincerely appreciate your efforts to help us get and keep kids playing the sport we love. Winter 2021 Coach and Team Manager Induction notes
Please click here to read the Winter 2021 Coach and Team Manager Induction notes Position description and Coaches manual
Useful websites and training material...
Want to do a bit more reading and research? Here are a few sites/articles that you may find useful:
Facebook pages/groups
If you have any further suggestions of useful sites, Facebook pages or groups, please click here and let us know!
Want to do a bit more reading and research? Here are a few sites/articles that you may find useful:
- 10 Useful Basketball Apps for Players, Coaches, Referees and Fans
- Basketball Australia Coaching Resources
- Basketball for Coaches
- Basketball Immersion
- Basketball Manitoba
- Basketball Playbook software
- Basketball Victoria
- Basketball West Australia Domestic Style of Play
- Coach Don Meyer
- Coach Like a Pro
- Coach Pintar
- Coach's Notebook
- Conditioning Drills and Skills - Kennedy Hamilton - Basketball Fundamentals
- Developing Young Guards - Arik Shivek - Basketball Fundamentals
- FIBA coach education platform
- FIBA Europe Coaches Section
- Half Court Man-To-Man Defense - Jill Schneider - Basketball Fundamentals
- Hoops U - The College of Basketball knowledge
- How to Build a Defensive System - Jim Boylen - Basketball Fundamentals
- Jr.NBA Instructional Curriculum (from Rookie to elite)
- Nothing but sets
- Ken Lindsay's guide to coaching Basketball
- Ozswoosh resource library
- Perimeter Players Improvement - Mike Dunlap - Basketball
- Pick and pop
- Fundamentals
- Shot science
- Spurs Philosophy System Basics - Gregg Popovich - Basketball Fundamentals
- The Basketball Edge
- The Coach's Clipboard
- The Coaching Toolbox
- The differences between coaching boys and girls
- Tommy's Basketball Playbook
- Women Can Coach - Game On
- Basketball Coach Unplugged
- Basketball Immersion
- Coaching U Podcast with Coach Brendan Suhr
- Talking split – Blue Hoops
- The Howie Games with Mark Howard (Listen to Joe Ingles talk about how he almost gave up on NBA dream. Also interviews with a few other Aussie basketballers including Andrew Gaze and Ben Simmons)
Facebook pages/groups
- Basketball For Coaches (page) - Coach Mac
- Basketball Coaches (group) -
- Herbie's Coaches Network
- Drills and Skills basketball training (page) – Paul Easton
- Shot science basketball (page)
If you have any further suggestions of useful sites, Facebook pages or groups, please click here and let us know!
Downloadable drills and coaching materials (PDF documents)
The drills and coaching materials below have been collated over time for use by volunteer coaches. Many were kindly provided by Greenvale Grizzlies Basketball Club with a view to progressing and extending basketball.
The drills and coaching materials below have been collated over time for use by volunteer coaches. Many were kindly provided by Greenvale Grizzlies Basketball Club with a view to progressing and extending basketball.