A Team Manager is a highly organised fantastic individual that acts as the glue in each team. The Team Manager’s role is to maintain the general running of a team to free up the coach to concentrate on the coaching and training aspects of the team. Team Mangers work closely with the Coach to bring about a high level of team spirit & camaraderie within the team. A Team Manager is the liaison person between team/coach/parents/players and the Club administration.
Ensure all families are on Team App so they receive Club communications
Ensure that families know when and where the games are being played each round
Ensure that all families know how to scoreusing PlayHQ
Prepare and distribute a scoring roster to all families in the team. It is a requirement of playing with Aberfeldie Jets that each family provides a person who can take their turn on the score bench at games. Team Managers should ensure that parents/helpers who are unable to score on their rostered game arrange a swap with another parent/helper. It is generally not the role of the Team Manager to score each week as they will be supporting the players and Coach during the game. It is often useful to include the names of the parents and a contact number on the scoring roster
Ensure that all players are in the correct playing uniform before each game. The royal blue uniform is worn in all matches, the only exception being when you play another Aberfeldie Jets team, where the first named team on the fixture wears whites, and the team named second wears royal blue. Aberfeldie Jets sit at the top of the uniform clash list and do not reverse singlets for any other Clubs
Ensure each player at the game has a named drink bottle. It is preferable that they also each have their own towel. Drink bottles and towels should NOT be shared
Ensure that parents and siblings do not sit on the player bench. That area is reserved for the Coach, Team Manager and player substitutions only
Prior to matches, ensure the correct players are marked into the online scoring system, or paper scoresheet if applicable
At the end of a match encourage the team members to clear the bench area quickly so that the next team may prepare for their game
Arrange replenishment of First Aid or COVID backpack equipment as needed. The Club provides a Coach Bag, First Aid kit and COVID backpack for each team. The Team Manager should ensure that the Coach brings the Coach Bag, First Aid kit and COVID backpack to all training sessions and the Coach Bag and First Aid kit to all games. The Team Manager can contact the Club at any time via [email protected] to request First Aid or COVID backpack items be replenished
Hold the role of the Bio Safety Officer (BSO) if not held by another parent in the team, and attend training each week whilst BSO's are required
Notify families of any changes to trainings or games. Keep up to date generally with what is happening within the Club and Association which may affect your team or parents including cancelled training, walkovers, change to game times, new season registration
Attend Team Manager meetings as required
Completing a paper based injury report form on game day at the game venue (these go to KBA)